Thursday 17 May 2018


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment can be costly, no doubt. But then, there are a number of things that could be avoided which many patients do not know, and except you have the requisite knowledge, you may find yourself paying for more than what you bargained for.
Some of the mistakes made are discussed below:
1.       Overtly requesting for more than is required IVF technical services can end up making you pay for more. For example, if you request for laboratory services like assisted hatching, egg or embryo vitrification and other comprehensive chromosome screening including acomprehensive chromosome screening (CSS) of some or all of your embryos, your IVF cost will definitely increase.
2.       Once your embryos have undergone a fertilization process and they have been replanted into your uterus, depending on the number of eggs that are worked on, if you demand that the remaining embryos be frozen, you can be sure that this decision of yours will end up making you pay for more IVF cost as the decision of freezing for longer time will increase your cost.
3.       Once you have watched for a few years after getting married and you discover that your chances of getting pregnant naturally is slim, based on medical advice, you better go for IVF treatment early as a later consideration of it will increase your IVF cost with age.
4.       Choosing the wrong infertility clinic may make you eventually paying for more IVF treatment than you have bargained for. This is why you are always advised to gather enough information before considering any infertility clinic.
5.       Except you are strictly warned to go for IVF treatment, there are other natural cycle IVF that you could opt for which are cost effective and have also proven to be a good option anyone can consider. So, if you don’t know this, you will end up making a huge IVF cost in Delhi.
6.        The more the eggs you request to be subjected to insemination process, the more IVF cost you are incurring. So, if you are so much eager to get pregnant, you will find yourself paying more for the IVF treatment based on the number of eggs you request to be used.

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